Category 1 MD members of staff with a PhD degree and experience in clinical work, research and education of students of departments for geriatric medicine of university hospitals.
Category 2 MD members of staff with a PhD degree and experience in clinical work and participating in the training of geriatricians in departments for geriatric medicine of general hospitals with specialist training facilities.
Category 3 MD members of staff preparing a PhD degree and experience in clinical work, research and education of students of departments for geriatric medicine of university hospitals.
Category 4 MD members of staff without a PhD degree, but with experience in clinical work and participating in the training of geriatricians in departments for geriatric medicine of general hospitals with specialist training facilities.
Category 5* MD members of staff with a PhD degree and with experience in clinical work in departments for geriatric medicine of general hospitals without specialist training facilities.
* Category 5 has been included for political reasons; to describe persons with only a small chance of being selected at the national level and to be proposed for the international selection procedure.